Wildcat photo from NYCC 2009

This photo of Wildcat was taken at the Mattel booth during the recent New York Comic Con (NYCC) 2009.

Photo courtesy of Jason Geyer (a.k.a. ToyOtter) of ActionFigureInsider.com.

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  • Shanks says:

    Every time I see a picture of this figure, I hear R. Lee Ermey’s voice.

    • Templar says:

      Yeah, he sure has that gruff reputation preceding him! Actually, veteran actor Charles Napier (he played the double-crossing Murdock in RAMBO II) did a great job playing Wildcat’s voice in that cool JLU episode “The Cat & the Canary” – and he actually looks as square-jawed in real life as you would expect Wildcat to be…… As for the figure, I’m beginning to agree it should be just a little bulkier, adding the appropriate weight of age attributed to the character – because the current sculpt is of a younger man in his prime……

    • Templar says:

      Oops, correction to my mistake here – its was DENNIS FARINA who voiced him in the JLU episode…..sorry for the misinformation!! Either way, can’t wait to get this figure & the blue variant!!

  • RedAl says:

    Yes this looks very slick. BUt we all know the actual product, not the hand painted jobby, wil be all shiny and ruin this figures image. At the moment it looks awesome as a solid colour, but in supermattelcrappypaint it will look very cheap.

    • John Jones says:

      Though it is true the paint is a total shiny mess, look at like series 1 Orion. If it’s that same level of shine it’ll look pretty good. Also I agree it should be bulkier, but they’re pretty big on reuse of sculpt over here I suppose. I mean don’t get me wrong they all look phenomenal, I just wouldn’t mind a little variation like we saw in the olf ToyBiz Marvel Legends. Because if ML did that, we’d have Colossus and Iceman the same level of muculature. And that’s just wrong.

  • JMA says:

    Did somone said Deadshot? is he in this line too?

  • Lightsource says:

    Here’s a character who’s design could have gone horribly cheesy quick, but the Horsemen pulled it off beautifully. Mattel & company seem hell-bent on JSA members which is great. I will indeed be shocked if we ever see an Alan Scott or Jay Garrick on a retail store peg but here’s hoping!

    • John Jones says:

      Oh my GOD I would absolutely LOVE an Alan Scott figure. And I wouldn’t mind Jay Garrick or Sandman either. Can’t wait to pick up Mr. Terrific and this guy!

      • John Jones says:

        Of course I couldn’t imagine Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, and Sandman with this body sculpt. Maybe use the Gentleman Ghost sculpt for Sandman.

  • Templar says:

    Another simple but cool rendition of a black-clad figure – can’t wait to get this guy! Also, maybe they can do a variant with a slightly darker midnight blue costume ? Ted Grant is a great addition to the Batman family mythos (he did initially train young Bruce Wayne in boxing!). Now, if they can do Huntress, Catwoman, Hush & Talia in this same DCUC line / sculpts, then repaint the
    wave 1 Batman with the modern Black color with the simple Bat-insignia on his chest perhaps? Too much to ask….for now!

    • Shanks says:

      You know there was a figure that mattel released as part of their DC Superheroes line that you should look for online. They did a Batman figure with the plain black bat on the chest and his cape and cowl were all black as well. It is a fantastic fig and I have that posed with all of my DCUC figs.

      Let me know if you need help locating it, I can email a picture if you would like.

      • Templar says:

        Ah, yes – thanks for the reminder! Bats was released in the DC Super Heroes line series 3 (Blue & dark Gray) and in series 8 (Black & Gray variant) if I’m not mistaken – in 2007 ? Almost the same body sculpt as the current DCUC line, except for the wrist articulation. You’re right that both the Blue / Black variants really look good – but now they are quite rare ….. This DCSH line was a bit hard to find in stores in my area, & I got caught up in it way too late…….Although I do not mind seeing a proper DCUC Bats figure in the all-black costume he wore after mending his broken back & reclaiming the mantle from Azrael in the comics continuity…….

      • John Jones says:

        Was that the one with the epicly amazing sculpt and articulation and like 47 batarangs that came in the same line as the original Azrael? I think it was the “S3 Select Sculpt”.

        • Templar says:

          Yes, Mr.Jones – recently got the S3 select sculpt DCSH Blue & Gray BATMAN from the 2-pack with Batgirl, a really lucky break from Amazon!
          Unfortunately, the 2-pack doesn’t have the 7 different Batarangs that was available in this figure’s original single packaging. Ahh, but this space should be reserved for the arrival of good old Ted Grant, eh? And I think some JSA figures are now available from DC Direct as well ?? Good times……

  • RedAl says:

    Of course this isnt the modern guy…Jeez. The new guy is Ted Grants son and hes a “werecat”…Although i wouldn’t mind seeing that:D

  • John Jones says:

    The “modern version” is like, half cat, so that’s not him. In the know.

  • ApimpnamedSlickback says:

    I think this is suppose to be the modern version, not the older guy. Those in the “know” can correct a pimp if so inclined.

  • John Jones says:

    the BEST in the series. Followed (in order) by Chemo, Green Arrow, Deadshot, Black Adam, Guardian, Both Mantis’, and Black Canary. Love the fists.

  • JMA says:

    Simple but cool. Better than the original version by DC Direct.

  • boywond3r says:

    It looks like Superman’s chin and face under there. I agree with Michael – he doesn’t look like a street brawler and boxer like he’s supposed to.

  • Drew says:

    This is another simple, but cool design/character. I own the DC Direct one which had more attitude, but was hunched over a bit and was limited to that hunched pose without this level of POA.

  • Toythinker says:

    Good to see that WILDCAT is among the first Golden Age JSA members getting the DCUC treatment. THANKS MATTEL…!!!

  • Caesar says:


    This guy is just too neat for a street brawler. But the gloves are cool though. Maybe they can add some more detail like bruises, dirt, or blood on it :]

  • Vincent McLean says:

    Nice to see some JSA members represented in this line! Now where’s the Golden age Flash and Green Lantern? What about Power Girl? And could we please see a Stargirl figure, maybe in a wave that has S.T.R.I.P.E. as the Collect and Connect figure?

  • Michael Schinke says:

    I was kind of hoping he’d be a little bulkier, kind of like the JLU animated version. I like it, but he just doesn’t have that real street brawler/bruiser kind of look. Wasn’t Deadshot supposed to be in this line?

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